The highly anticipated voice packs of renowned gaming personalities, Naman Mathur (Mortal) and Animesh Agarwal (Thug), are set to be officially integrated into BGMI, providing users with an immersive gaming experience following the game’s official release on the PlayStore and App Store.

Mortal and Thug have been instrumental in fostering a thriving ecosystem for BGMI since its inception, establishing themselves as iconic figures within the community and driving the game’s rapid growth in revenue and user numbers. Their unique voice packs will serve as an exciting addition to BGMI, elevating the gaming experience for users through a new dimension of personalization.

Expressing his excitement about this significant development, Animesh Agarwal, Founder and CEO of 8Bit Creatives and co-owner of S8UL, stated, “Since the game’s official release, the entire gaming community has been buzzing with excitement. It’s an amazing feeling to have my voice in the game, guiding and motivating players. I eagerly anticipate embarking on this new journey and contributing to BGMI’s prosperity in the years to come.”

Thug and Mortal’s voice packs will feature their renowned dialogues as in-game commands, available in Hindi and English. These voice packs will resonate with players, bringing them closer to their favorite gamers and enhancing their overall gaming experience.

Naman ‘Mortal’ Mathur, co-owner of S8UL Esports, shared his perspective, stating, “Being part of BGMI’s exceptional rise as a player, it’s gratifying to be included in the game and provide fans with a personalized experience throughout their gaming journey. It is now time to immerse ourselves in the game and leverage it to achieve prominence in the industry.”

The ‘India Games Market’ report by Niko Partners is a testament to BGMI’s massive popularity in India, revealing that nearly half of all mobile gamers in the country had played BGMI in the 12 months prior to the game’s ban. Among them, 59% continued playing after the ban, 12% switched to another game, and 29% stopped playing mobile games altogether.

Previously, Thug’s voice pack, along with other prominent S8UL creators including Snax, Scout, Payal, and Mavi, has been featured in the game. The voice packs of Thug and Mortal will be available for players to purchase from the in-game store using the virtual currency known as unknown cash (UC).


Disclaimer: Information mentioned here has not been verified or endorsed by The Gaming Reporter and is in accordance with the press release shared by the company or their appointed representatives.

By Wren