Riot Games celebrated its third-anniversary BHARAT VALORANT in India with a series of captivating community activities across various parts of the country, including exclusive VAL tournaments, Bootcamps, Influencer Meet & Greet & Swag giveaways.

Recognizing the significance of gaming cafes as vibrant community hubs for Indian gamers, Riot Games was thrilled to bring VALORANT-themed experiences to the audience. Through collaboration with 12 selected PC cafes located across the country, Riot Games transformed each venue into an exclusive VALORANT content hub, organizing special promotions, cosplay appearances and community tournaments that left players thrilled.

To show appreciation for the continuous support and passion of the VALORANT community, Riot Games hosted swag giveaways at the participating PC cafes, including LXG and Next Level Gaming Cafe. Participating players won exclusive VALORANT merchandise such as posters, game codes, key chains, and other exciting prizes. Fans were also treated to VALORANT-themed mini food stalls at participating locations. In total, over 3550 players participated in the PC cafe activities.

Additionally, as part of the anniversary festivities, Riot Games hosted two boot camps in Navi Mumbai & Bengaluru, providing VALORANT enthusiasts with a unique opportunity to learn from experienced players, enhance their skills, and gain valuable insights into the game’s competitive strategies. Renowned Indian Esports players and coaches including Orangutan & GodsReign led these boot camps where over 150 lucky fans were invited to participate.

Focusing on its commitment to building hyperlocal experiences for local fans, Riot Games also organized influencer meet & greets where VALORANT fans had a chance to interact with their favorite esports personalities. Around 20 influencers congregated at Alphazegus’ new studio in Mumbai, including JimmyGaming, HarshKhelraay, S8ULSid.

“We are thrilled to celebrate the three year anniversary of VALORANT with our incredible community in India,” said Arun Rajappa, Country Manager, India and South Asia, Riot Games. “The gaming and esports ecosystem is experiencing remarkable growth in the country, and we have witnessed a surge in talent, passion, and participation from Indian gamers. These community celebrations are our way of expressing gratitude for the unwavering support and enthusiasm of the Indian gaming community for VALORANT. Together, we have created a vibrant, inclusive community, and we look forward to bringing more hyperlocal experiences to our players.”


Disclaimer: Information mentioned here has not been verified or endorsed by The Gaming Reporter and is in accordance with the press release shared by the company or their appointed representatives.

By Wren